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Current Total & Reminder
This News article was posted by CrazyJoe at 11:52 PM on January 09, 2005
Sunday night and I am finishing up the current spreadsheet. It was one crazy weekend folks - you can see for yourself.
Now that everyone can pick their jaw up off the floor, I do want to kick it down a notch, as the ICQs and Emails lately are turning a new attitude.
I admit, I am overwhelmed at what we have done and how much we've raised -however I'm slowly seeing it turn into a contest of sorts to who can give the most. The way I see it - the popularity contest atmosphere is a double edge sword. One end, we do lose sight of why exactly we were doing this and it becomes more of "we did better!". I see individuals and guilds talking more of what they did instead of what we ALL did. Yes, it's true that OUR grand total would not be as big without some of those hefty donations, but we can't forget we are all doing this together. But then n the other end of this sword, we see people donate more, and that's good!
With that said and off my chest, I want to stress we are doing this all together. People keep telling me how great I'm doing, and I keep having to answer it's how great WE are doing. Stratics gave me the credibility and trustworthiness. The entire UO Community (in and outside of Stratics) gave the donations. The only thing I did was come up with the idea, run with it, and handle the virtual conversion for the donation. This lovely website, all thanks to Beans for installation and template setup, Jynx for the banner, Sannio for the continuing web design, Brekkee for webpage content, and pretty soon assistance in the Ebaying and delivering.
So, all that I ask is everyone remember that we're all in this together, and don't let this come a Popularity Contest and muck up what we are really doing this for.
I said I was going to kick this down a notch, and here it is - the reminder why we are doing this.
The Link : Is a movie you need IE for. That one video alone should remind us all why we are doing this virtual charity drive. I know one thing, if I was in the street there, I would have died. Walking around after an earthquake in an torn up street.... to two feet of eighteen?
Now that hopefully everyone's on the same page that I am, I'll go ahead and say I like to thank the individual (who request to remain anonymous) on Lake Superior for his 55 million gold and Luna House donation, [M^F] of Napa for their 67 million donation, and [UOA] of Catskills for their 31 million donation - they all surely jacked our totals up quite high are do deserve mention. If there were others that I have forgotten I do apologize - I meant what I said that I never thought I would be donating more than $100, so I didn't keep many notes in the first week. However, just remember why we are doing this.
With that, I'm going to bed.