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This Publicity article was posted by CrazyJoe at 07:51 PM on January 06, 2005

While digging around in Google, I found the following link at . I'm afraid I'm not good on translations, however google did give it a modest attempt.

The net swims the hypothesized property auction obtained donation tsunami rescues

Although recently has the more and more many MMORPG game company publicly indicates in abundance the prohibition plays the family (either any equivalent payment method) comes by the cash to in the game role or the hypothesized treasure makes the transaction the standpoint, but established brand MMORPG: " The network creates the century (Ultima Online, UO)" actually also is one opening remarks this kind of transaction atmosphere game (plays family by game initiates), therefore had the position in the American Texas saint Antonio city " UO " plays the family then aims at while ago occurs the serious disaster situation South Asia big tsunami initiates one item: After trades " UO " inside the hypothesized treasure transaction obtained, the total contribution does the disaster relief for the International Red Cross uses.

According to this ?? named: Crazy tall (Crazy Joe) plays the family indicates, the initial period he only was for a while emerged in two " UO " on the server opens two family reputations was " the Red Cross donation room (Red Cross Donation House)" the hypothesized store, and progressed the line in the eBay website trades, after donated the obtained total the International Red Cross; This act after obtains many plays family's support, therefore he decides launches this item trades " UO " empty valuable donates money the disaster relief activity, now he already " UO " in the server opened approximately 19 outside Asian area 16 " the Red Cross donation room ".

Certainly, now swindles out of money the event emerges one after another incessantly, this Crazy the Joe friend very is also clear should have many people can suspect this is the newest technique which swindles out of money, therefore he also used for in him to initiate on the donation disaster relief homepage explains he was some plays the family voluntarily erects " UO " society in the group website station service administrative personnel, and he also demonstrated after the website one he contributed 3000 Yuan Dollar takes the proof for International Red Cross's receipt picture, also was standing his own electronic mail post office box position and the ICQ announcement, Its goal only is for let everybody believe he this act certainly is not collects the capital.

This matter for the time being no matter genuine and fake, but at least gave carries on the hypothesized transaction by the present currency the behavior does one is worth everybody reference the direction; Actually but plays the hypothesized treasure which laboriously hits is belongs the game company or plays the family, already is not all important in this kind of ?? activity.

Google gave it a shot. I am amazed it's on a subdomain of Anyone that can give a better translation from the source, please email me at