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Publicity Spreads the good word.

This Publicity article was posted by CrazyJoe at 02:42 PM on January 06, 2005

* blush * I haven't heard of till today, however ex-Event Moderator Nikademus kindly educated me that this is the largest UO Emulator website, and they were kind enough to help spread the word.

We all know by now the devistation the Tsunami's have left accross the world, and nearly every country has felt some sort of effect from this. I implore you, beg of you and plead with you to find it in yourself to re-activate your UO Accounts for a month for those of you who have quit and donate everything you have to CrazyJoe. The Tsunami tragedy dwarfs what we felt with 9/11 with the death toll rising quickly over 100,000 people and heading toward 200,000.

I am speechless, thank you Ryan for the kind words. Thanks you to Nikademus For more read it all here.