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This Publicity article was posted by Brekkee at 12:23 PM on January 05, 2005
With the removal of the Ebay auctions Slashdot picked up the story again and reported this.
eBay Shuts Down Ultima Online Charity AuctionsAn Anonymous Reader writes "Numerous players in Ultima Online are donating vitual gold to “Crazy” Joe Harden. Harden started some eBay auctions with the best of intentions, giving all the proceeds to the Red Cross for the tsunami disaster relief. Unfortunately, Ebay has decided to shut him down. Here's a quote from the article over on FileFront: "The auctions were for in-game gold in Ultima Online. What Harden did was set up places within Ultima Online where players could come and either buy 'junk,' as he called it, or simply donate gold to be auctioned off on eBay. After setting up 43 auctions, things were running smoothly until eBay pulled every single one of them off of their site." We reported on this effort yesterday.